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Wish List
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Guidelines for Use of Shopping Basket

  1. You cannot pay for both international and domestic shipping products together, so please pay separately for each shopping basket.
  2. In the case of products that can be shipped overseas, you can put them in a domestic delivery shopping basket and go to an overseas delivery shopping basket to pay.
  3. If you want to change the quantity of the selected product, click the Change button after changing the quantity.
  4. You can continue shopping by pressing the Continue Shopping button.
  5. You can order only the products you want or register as products of interest using shopping baskets and products of interest.
  6. The file attachment option is replaced with the file you uploaded last time if you add the same product to your shopping cart.

Information on the use of interest-free installments

  1. To receive interest-free installment benefits for each product, you can select only interest-free installment products and order/pay by pressing the [Order] button.
  2. Press the [Order All Products] button to order/pay for all selected products regardless of the shopping cart.
  3. However, if you order/pay for the entire product, you cannot receive interest-free installments for each product.
  4. Interest-free products are displayed in the separate interest-free product area on the shopping cart, indicating the shipping cost based on the interest-free product.
    The actual shipping cost is applied depending on the product you order together, so please refer to the shipping cost information at the bottom of the order.


